「世界の影」Umbra Mundi

「世界の影」Umbra Mundi

Umbra Mundi, Covid-19: un'intervista a Murray Stein | Rev. Dr ...

頭に浮かぶイメージは、私たちを閉ざし、私たちの精神的な生活に感染する「世界の影」であるUmbra Mundiです。この影が日食のように風船の上に広がっています。そのための錬金術用語はニグレドです。太陽は死の影に覆われています。意味のある変革の始まりを意味するのは家族の段階です。死の影の谷を歩くように求められます。それは聖書的です。問題は、この経験を個性化に使用できるかどうかです。それとも、私たちが目を覚ますと自由になるのがうれしい夜の悪い夢として過ぎ去りますか?」(...)


MS:Umbra MundiはAnima Mundiのパートナーです。アニマ・ムンディは世界の魂であり、物質的な宇宙の中の神です。アンブラ・ムンディは彼女の影です。ユングと彼の学生の多くがこの厄介な主題について書いているので、それは神の暗い面だと言えるでしょう。それは典型的なものであるため、すべての人に感染します。

その最も重要な機能は、不可視性、普遍性、および数知性です。コロナウイルスは目に見えないように私たちの間を移動するため、すべての大陸にあり、印象的で強力であることがわかり、アンブラムンディを表しています。誰が持っているか、自分で持っているかどうかを知っています。それは世界中のどこにでもあり、私たち全員が感じる集団的精神に恐怖を植え付けています。また、ルドルフ・オットーがヌミナス経験について語るように、それは印象的です。アンブラムンディの知覚は私たちを震えさせます。それは謎のtremendum et fascinansであり、神秘的な恐怖と脆弱性の感覚で私たちを感染させます。私たちにはコントロールがあり、それは寒くて執拗です。

          魅惑を感じると述べている。【秋山 さと子】。…






Murray Stein:
The image that comes to mind is a Umbra Mundi, a "world shadow" that closes over us and infects our psychic lives. I see this shadow spreading over the balloon like a solar eclipse. The term alchemical for it is nigredo. The sun is covered by the shadow of death. It's the family stage that means the beginning of a meaningful transformation. We are asked to walk through the valley of the shadow of death. It's biblical. The question is, will we be able to use this experience for individuation? Or will it pass as a bad dream of the night from which, when we wake up, we are glad to be free?" (...)

RH: What is Umbra Mundi and what are we learning from him?

MS: Umbra Mundi is a partner of Anima Mundi. Anima Mundi is the soul of the world, the divine within the material cosmos. Umbra Mundi is her shadow. You could say it's God's dark side as Jung and many of his students have written on this nasty subject. Because it's archetypal, it infects everyone.

Its most essential features are invisibility, universality and numinosity. Because the Coronavirus moves among us invisibly, it is located on every continent, and we find it impressive and powerful, it represents the Umbra Mundi. We know who has it or if we have it ourselves. It's everywhere, everywhere in the world, and it instills fear into the collective psyche, which we all feel. Also, as Rudolf Otto says about the numinous experience, it's impressive. Umbra Mundi's perception makes us shudder. It's a mysterium tremendum et fascinans, and infects us with mysterious terror and sense of vulnerability. We have control, and it's cold and relentless.

We live in what seems like a science fiction world right now, and the challenge is to accept this as a reality and not put it aside and rule it out as a fantasy. It happened so fast. Umbra Mundi invaded our unstable world without prior notice and quietly, and threatens to undo the delicate fabric of our collective life worldwide.

What are we learning from it? This is to be seen. I have doubts that we have been given the opportunity for a vast transformation of consciousness at the general collective level. A lot of people are talking about that possibility. On a deeper level, there may be a transformation into the collective unconscious. I consider this appearance of Umbra Mundi as something synchronized. It was predicted by astrologers. It's timely, and we need to find out its meaning. This will emerge for a long period of time.

Remember that we are only in the beginning of the Aquarius Age. Jung thought it would take 600 years for the new image of God to be completely seen. This passage through the valley of the shadow of death is a transit and will take time. We are used to thinking about such a long term perspective. We want a solution and we want it now. Maybe the first lesson to be learned is patience. A new humanity is born. His brain cells have not yet formed and fully interconnected. It's barely getting closer to sight.

