On December 21,2020, Jupiter and Saturn eill align in the night sky to create the first "Christmas Star" in nearly 800 years.
"自己またはキリストは誰にでも先験的に存在していますが、原則として、最初は無意識の状態で存在しています。しかし、この事実が意識的になるのは、後の人生での明確な経験である...それは、それが起こったときにのみ現実のものであり、それは、あなたが外にある歴史的または形而上学的なキリストからの投影を撤回し、それによって内なるキリストを目覚めさせるときにのみ起こることができる。" ~CGユング、CW:18:par.1638。
あなたがたの中に、自分がその道を免れることができると信じている人がいますか?彼はキリストの痛みを通り越して、自分の道を騙すことができるだろうか?私は言います "そのような者は自分自身を欺いて損をしている。彼は茨と火の上に寝かされています。誰もキリストの道を免れることはできません。あなた方は皆、キリストになるべきです。~カール・ユング『赤い本』235ページ
"医者は気が狂った患者の無礼を怒らないし、熱病患者に怒られることを不快に思わない。"賢明な人は、医師が患者にするように、すべての人間を扱うべきであり、彼らは病気で贅沢なだけであると見なすべきである" ~ルシウス・アンネウス・セネカ。
"記号は異質なものを一つのイメージにまとめることができるという大きな利点を持っている。錬金術の衰退とともに 精神と物質の象徴的統一は 崩壊した その結果 現代人は世界に根を下ろし 疎外されていることに気づく"
"十字架上でのキリストの贖罪的な死は、死の木に象徴される第二の母を通じた再生として、"バプテスマ "として理解されていました...二重の母のモチーフは、二重の誕生の考えを示唆しています。母親の一人は実在の人間の母親であり、もう一人は象徴的な母親である" ~カール-ユング、CW 5、パラ494-495。
~C.G.ユング『ビジョン・セミナーズ』第1巻 160ページ
"自己またはキリストは誰にでも先験的に存在しているが、原則として、最初は無意識の状態である。しかし、この事実が意識的になるのは、後の人生での明確な経験である...それが現実になるのは、それが起こったときだけであり、それは、あなたが外向きの歴史的または形而上学的なキリストからの投影を撤回し、それによって内なるキリストを目覚めさせたときにのみ起こりうる。" ~CGユング、CW:18:par.1638。
理想的な概念で意識的な心を満たすことは、西洋の神智学の特徴ですが、影と闇の世界との対決ではありません。人は光の姿を想像することによって悟りを開くのではなく、闇を意識させることによって悟りを開くのである。~カール・ユング;『哲学の木』;CW 13:錬金術研究。P.335
パラケルススは、人間には福音書で知られる真理を理解するための心があり、そのためだけにあると述べています。しかし一方で、人間は自然の中に隠された知識の源である「ルーメン・ナチュラエ」(自然の光)を持っており、そこから悟りを得ることができるのです。~カール・ユング、ETHレクチャーV 162ページ。
人は自分の魂と向き合うことを避けるために、どんなに不条理なことでも、何でもするでしょう。彼らはインドのヨガとそのすべての運動を練習したり、食事の厳格な養生法を守ったり、心で神智学を学んだり、あるいは機械的に全世界の文献から神秘的なテキストを繰り返したりします - すべては、彼らが自分自身とうまくやっていくことができず、有用なものは何も自分自身の魂から出てくる可能性があるというわずかな信仰を持っていないからです。このようにして、魂は、何も良いものが出てこないナザレのような状態に徐々に変化してきました。それゆえ、地球の四隅から魂を取り出そうではありませんか。~カール-ユング、心理学と錬金術、ページ99 。
しかし、集団的な意見の平準化の影響から大部分を解放し、それによって自分自身の個性についての明確な概念に到達したときにのみ、彼は十分な情報を得ることができる。~カール・ユング、CW 6、パラ10。
... あなたは自分の内なる生活と内なる仕事を、可能な限り愚かなレベルの純粋な内なる仕事である神経症によって、生き抜くことができるのです。もしあなたがあなたの内なる仕事をしなければ、それはあなたをしますし、それは不安として出てくるでしょうし、それは恐怖症として出てくるでしょうし、アレルギーとして出てくるでしょうし、あなたの人生の事故として出てくるでしょうし、これは信じられないほど愚かな方法です。
"ヒトラーが真に神秘的な医学者の範疇に属することは疑いの余地がないが......モハメッドの時代以来、この世界ではこれに類するものは見られなかった。ヒトラーのこの明らかに神秘的な特徴が、非論理的で不可解で、好奇心旺盛で理不尽に思えるようなことを彼にさせているのである....世界で最も知的な人々を100人選んで、その全員を集めれば、彼らは愚かな暴徒であることを知らないのか?1万人が集まれば、ワニほどの知能を持つことになる.... 群衆の中では、誰もが持っている資質が増殖し、積み重なって、群衆全体の支配的な特徴となる。誰もが美徳を持っているわけではないが、誰もが動物的本能の低さ、原始人の暗示性、野蛮な時代の疑心暗鬼や悪質な特徴を持っている。その結果、何百万人もの国民が集まっても、それは人間ですらない。それはトカゲかワニかオオカミなのです。~カール・ユング、コスモポリタン誌のH.R.ニッカーボッカーとのインタビュー[1938]参照。C.G.ユングが語る、115-135ページ。
個人が大衆運動に巻き込まれたとき、すべての人間のコントロールは終焉を迎える。~カール・ユング、CW 10、パラ395
大衆は常に心の疫病の繁殖地である。~カール・ユング; CW 9i; Par. 227.
今日、私たちは、すべての個人の無意識の中に、本能的な傾向や、かなりの緊張感を持ったサイキックシステムがあることを知っています。それらが何らかの形で意識の中に侵入するのを助けられ、後者がより高い形でそれらを阻止する機会がないとき、それらは激流のように彼らの前にあるすべてのものを一掃し、人間を「獣」という言葉がまだ名前をつけるにはあまりにも良い生き物に変えてしまうのです。彼らは "悪魔 "としか呼べない。このような現象を大衆に呼び起こすために必要なのは、数人の憑依者か、一人だけである。もしこの無意識的な気質が、大多数の国民に共通するものであるとすれば、このようなコンプレックスを抱えた一人の人間が一人でもいれば、同時にメガホンを取るだけで、大惨事を引き起こすのに十分なのである。~カール・ユング『CW』第18巻『象徴的な人生』。
"善悪のために、すべての人類を支配する世界の力は、無意識の精神的な要因であり、それは存在に意識をもたらし、それ故にすべての世界の存在のための罪悪感を作成する彼らである。私たちは、私たち自身の精神によって作成された世界に浸している" ~CGユング『現実と超現実』1933年、CW 8:精神の構造とダイナミクス、p747
ユング ユング:もちろん、この問題については議論の余地があります。ご存知のように、私はかつて統計的な研究をしたことがあるのですが、最終的な数値はシカゴ大学の数学者に調べてもらいました。彼らは「有意性がないわけではない」と言っていました。それを聞いた時、私は耳をピクピクさせました。私たちは今、魚の時代から水瓶座のサインに移ろうとしていますが、それは新しい価値観をもたらすかもしれません。何人かの人々は、これが世界の差し迫った発展に大きな意味を持つかもしれないと真剣に考えています。- サンデー・タイムズ紙(1960年)のインタビューより
例えば、ペルーの天文学について知っていて、それはおそらく存在していただろう - 我々は間違いなく、我々のような神話的な用語のようなものを発見する必要があります。
- CGユング、『ヴィジョンズセミナーII』(1932年)、pp.724-6
1947年9月6日、ヒンドゥー教の占星術師、B.V.ラーマンに書かれた手紙の中で ラマン(1947年9月6日) - ユング博士は次のように書いています。
~ カール・グスタフ・ユング
"占星術 "もまた、平均的な偶像によって机の上から拭い去られた "ランダムな現象 "の一つであり、誰もがそれを単なる抽象的なものでありながら、現実そのものであると信じているのである。~カール・ユング『手紙』第二巻、230-232ページ。
"占星術についての私の意見を知りたいとのことなので、私は30年以上も前から人間の心のこの特定の活動に興味を持っていたと言えます。私は心理学者なので、ホロスコープがその人の特定の複雑な性格にどのような光を当てるのかに主に興味を持っています。難しい心理診断の場合、私は通常、全く異なる角度からの更なる視点を持つためにホロスコープを取得します。そうでなければ理解できなかったことが、占星術のデータによって明らかになったことがよくありました。そのような経験から、私は、占星術は心理学者にとって特に興味深いものであるという意見を形成しました。なぜなら、占星術には、私たちが「投影」と呼ぶ一種の心理的経験が含まれているからです。~C. G. ユング、ユング『シンクロニシティと超常現象』81ページ
"占星術は心理学者にとって特別な関心事であり、それは我々が投影と呼ぶ一種の心理的経験を含んでいるからである - これは、我々はそれが星座の中にあったように心理的な事実を見つけることを意味します。これはもともと、彼らは単にそれらとの同期性の関係にあるのに対し、これらの要因は星から派生しているという考えを生み出した。私は、これが人間の心の構造に独特の光を投げかける非常に不思議な事実であることを認めます。~1947年、C.G.ユングがB.V.教授に宛てた手紙の中で述べています。B.V. ラマン

C.G.Jung アイオン
“The Self or Christ is present in everybody a priori, but as a rule in an unconscious condition to begin with. But it is a definite experience of later life, when this fact becomes conscious...It is only real when it happens, and it can happen only when you withdraw your projections from an outward historical or metaphysical Christ and thus wake up Christ within.” ~CG Jung, CW:18:par.1638.
To be Christ oneself is the true following of Christ. ~Carl Jung, Liber Novus, Footnote 233, Page 254.
If I thus truly imitate Christ, I do not imitate anyone, I emulate no one, but go my own way, and I will also no longer call myself a Christian. ~Carl Jung, Liber Novus, Page 293.
It belongs to this mystery that man is not redeemed through the hero, but becomes a Christ himself. The antecedent example of the saints symbolically teaches us this. ~Carl Jung, Liber Novus, Page 253.
One repays a teacher badly if one always remains nothing but a pupil.”
~Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
No one can be spared the way of Christ, since this way leads to what is to come. You should all become Christs. ~Carl Jung, Liber Novus, Page 235.
Because I also want my being other, I must become a Christ. I am made into Christ, I must suffer it. Thus the redeeming blood flows. ~Carl Jung, Liber Novus, Page 254.
We should not bear Christ as he is unbearable, but we should be Christs, for then our yoke is sweet and our burden easy. ~Carl Jung, The Red Book, Page 283.
Is there anyone among you who believes he can be spared the way? Can he swindle his way past the pain of Christ? I say: "Such a one deceives himself to his own detriment. He beds down on thorns and fire. No one can be spared the way of Christ, since this way leads to what is to come. You should all become Christs. ~Carl Jung, The Red Book, Page 235.
As Goethe said, “As long as you do not know how to die and come to life again, you are but a sorry traveler on this dark earth.” ~Alan Watts
"You treat psychology cavalierly and do not notice how very much you misunderstand it. My aim was therefore to give you a fairer conception of my psychology. This is evidently not possible, as I must admit to my regret. It is really not easy to talk with theologians : they don't listen to the other person (who is wrong from the start) but only to themselves (and call this the Word of God) . Perhaps this comes from their having to preach down from the pulpit, with nobody allowed to answer back. This attitude, which I met practically everywhere, has shooed me out of the Church like so many others."
~C.G. Jung, Letter to Pastor Dorothee Hoch, April 1953
'I began to see that the story of Christ could be understood as a process that takes place within each and every one of us – an inner journey. Read in this way, we can see that Christ is constantly being immaculately conceived and born, is confounding the elders, teaching, being betrayed, being crucified, dying, resurrecting, and is making an ascension. All of these are occurring in every moment; they are mystical facts that exist outside of time. When I began to understand this, Christianity became possible for me again.” ~Robert A. Johnson
"All of these are occurring in every moment; they are mystical facts that exist outside of time. When I began to understand this, Christianity became possible for me again.”
~Robert A.Johnson
By far the strongest poison to the human spirit is the inability to forgive oneself or another person.
Forgiveness is no longer an option but a necessity for healing.
~Caroline Myss
Luke 23:34
And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
To be a “friend of sinners,” Jesus subjected Himself to living in a fallen, depraved world, for we “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Despite our sinful condition, Jesus desired a relationship with us.
(Note: it can be said that “sinners” are those who miss the mark such as in how unconscious people have missed the mark of becoming conscious)
“A physician is not angry at the intemperance of a mad patient, nor does he take it ill to be railed at by a man in fever. Just so should a wise man treat all mankind, as a physician does his patient, and look upon them only as sick and extravagant.” ~Lucius Annaeus Seneca.
"We should not bear Christ as he is unbearable, but we should be Christs, for then our yoke is sweet and our burden easy.
~Carl Jung,
The Red Book
Symbolically speaking...
"The symbol has the great advantage of being able to unite heterogeneous or even incommensurable factors in a single image. With the decline of alchemy the symbolical unity of spirit and matter fell apart, with the result that modern man finds himself uprooted and alienated in a de-souled world."
~CG Jung, Psychological Aspects of the Mother Archetype, para. 197.
“Christ’s redemptive death on the cross was understood as a “baptism,” that is to say, as rebirth through the second mother, symbolized by the tree of death… The dual-mother motif suggests the idea of a dual birth. One of the mothers is the real, human mother, the other is the symbolical mother.” ~Carl Jung, CW 5, para 494-495.
"Originally [in baptisms] they put people under water, and if they almost drowned, so much the better, for it meant a figurative death. A certain sect in Russia, for instance, takes their baptismal rights in a far more serious way; not only did they put people under water until they nearly drowned, they even make a hole in ice and put them into the ice cold stream. That is an experience which they remember, as it was meant to be. And it used to be real with us, but in these days it consists of sprinkling a few drops of water upon the forehead of a quite unconscious little baby, which is absolutely ridiculous."
~C.G. Jung, Visions Seminars, Vol. 1, Page 160
In other words the Bible itself is telling us not to focus on
the symbol but to understand it and go on to perfection by
allowing the inner you to be raised to the Christ mind.
Again I ask, would God rather that your mind be renewed
or your head be wet?
Instead of learning, and understanding this direction, for escaping from the assault of the lower, we chose to take the symbols literally and give an importance to the symbol instead of the meaning.
Thus in Baptism instead of achieving the new mind or Christ consciousness, our traditional Baptism focuses on getting physically wet.
But much more important then that, by following religion and the symbol , instead of the Bible and the truth, we have allowed the human mind to sputter along controlled by the lower elements.
On the other hand, if we had been true to the scriptural instructions, we would have seen the human mind elevated and the concept of war and extreme violence especially from religion, would not exist.
~Bill Donahue, Hidden Meanings (website)
Now, we have no symbolic life, and we are all badly in need of the symbolic life. Only the symbolic life can express the need of the soul—the daily need of the soul, mind you! And because people have no such thing, they can never step out of this mill—this awful, grinding, banal life in which they are “nothing but.” In the ritual they are near the Godhead; they are even divine. Think of the priest in the Catholic Church, who is in the Godhead: he carries himself to the sacrifice on the altar; he offers himself as the sacrifice. Do we do it? Where do we know that we do it? Nowhere! Everything is banal, everything is “nothing but”; and that is the reason why people are neurotic. They are simply sick of the whole thing, sick of that banal life, and therefore they want sensation. They even want a war; they all want a war. They are all glad when there is a war: they say, “Thank heaven, now something is going to happen—something bigger than ourselves!”
These things go pretty deep, and no wonder people get neurotic. Life is too rational, there is no symbolic existence in which I am something else, in which I am fulfilling my role, my role as one of the actors in the divine drama of life.
~C.G Jung, The Symbolic Life.
Christ, a Symbol of the Self
by Jerry Wright
“The Self or Christ is present in everybody a priori, but as a rule in an unconscious condition to begin with. But it is a definite experience of later life, when this fact becomes conscious...It is only real when it happens, and it can happen only when you withdraw your projections from an outward historical or metaphysical Christ and thus wake up Christ within.” ~CG Jung, CW:18:par.1638.
Filling the conscious mind with ideal conceptions is a characteristic of Western theosophy, but not the confrontation with the shadow and the world of darkness. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. ~Carl Jung; The Philosophical Tree; CW 13: Alchemical Studies. P.335
The inner voice is the voice of a fuller life, of a wider, more comprehensive consciousness. That is why, in mythology, the birth of the hero or the symbolic rebirth coincides with sunrise, for the growth of personality is synonymous with an increase of self-consciousness. For the same reason most heroes are characterized by solar attributes, and the moment of birth of their greater personality is known as illumination.
~CG Jung, Collected Works 17, The Development of the Personality, Para 318
Paracelsus says that man has a mind in order that he may understand the truths which are made known in the Gospel, and only for this purpose. But on the other hand man has also a "lumen naturae" (a natural light), a source of knowledge hidden in nature, from which he can draw enlightenment. ~Carl Jung, ETH Lecture V. Page 162.
People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. ~Carl Jung, Psychology and Alchemy, Page 99.
People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. They will practice Indian yoga and all its exercises, observe a strict regimen of diet, learn theosophy by heart, or mechanically repeat mystic text from the literature of the whole world - all because they cannot get on with themselves and have not slightest faith that anything useful could ever come out of their own souls. Thus the soul has been turned into a Nazareth Gradually from which nothing good can come. Therefore let us fetch it from the four corners of the earth - the more far-fetched and bizarre it is the better. ~Carl Jung, Psychology and Alchemy, Page 99 .
"...- the more far-fetched and bizarre it is the better."
~Carl Jung,
Psychology and Alchemy
People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. They will practice Indian yoga and all its exercises, observe a strict regimen of diet, learn theosophy by heart, or mechanically repeat mystic text from the literature of the whole world - all because they cannot get on with themselves and have not slightest faith that anything useful could ever come out of their own souls. Thus the soul has been turned into a Nazareth Gradually from which nothing good can come. Therefore let us fetch it from the four corners of the earth - the more far-fetched and bizarre it is the better. ~Carl Jung, Psychology and Alchemy, Page 99 .
"...and have not slightest faith that anything useful could ever come out of their own souls."
~~Carl Jung,
Psychology and Alchemy
Sure, if society consisted of valuable individuals only, adaptation would be worthwhile; but in reality it is composed mainly of nincompoops and moral weaklings, and its level is far below that of its better representatives, in addition to which the mass as such stifles all individual values. ~Carl Jung, letters Vol. II, pages 217-221.
We substitute our ignorance with gas; modern people are all gas bags inasmuch as they are ignorant of what they really are. ~CG Jung, Visions Seminar, Page 235
The more a man's life is shaped by the collective norm, the greater is his individual immorality. ~Carl Jung; "Psychological Types", 1921.
He can, however, be sufficiently informed only when he has in large measure freed himself from the leveling influence of collective opinions and thereby arrived at a clear conception of his own individuality. ~Carl Jung, CW 6, Para 10.
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Andrew Beal
Jung said that everyone does their inner work and the only choice there is whether you’re going to do it intelligently or stupidly.
… you can live out your inner life and your inner work by your neurosis which is pure inner work on the stupidest possible level. If you don’t do your inner work it will do you and it will come up as anxiety, it will come up as phobias, as allergies, as accidents in your life, etc. and this is an incredibly stupid way of doing it.
~Robert A. Johnson ~ inner work 01, you tube video.
"We substitute our ignorance with gas; modern people are all gas bags inasmuch as they are ignorant of what they really are."
~CG Jung, Visions Seminar, Page 235
"He can, however, be sufficiently informed only when he has in large measure freed himself from the leveling influence of collective opinions and thereby arrived at a clear conception of his own individuality."
~Carl Jung
How did so many of them wind up here? <<
Here are the psychological implications of Collectivism:
The change of character brought about by the uprush of collective forces is amazing. A gentle and reasonable being can be transformed into a maniac or a savage beast. One is always inclined to lay the blame on external circumstances, but nothing could explode in us if it had not been there. As a matter of fact, we are constantly living on the edge of a volcano, and there is, so far as we know, no way of protecting ourselves from a possible outburst that will destroy everybody within reach. It is certainly a good thing to preach reason and common sense, but what if you have a lunatic asylum for an audience or a crowd in a collective frenzy? There is not much difference between them because the madman and the mob are both moved by impersonal, overwhelming forces.
"Psychology and Religion" (1938). In CW 11: Psychology and Religion: West and East. P.25
“The ordinary lunatic is generally a harmless, isolated case; since everyone sees that something is wrong with him, he is quickly taken care of. But the unconscious infections of groups of so-called normal people are more subtle and far more dangerous.”
~C.G. Jung, The Integration of the Personality.
“There is no question but that Hitler belongs in the category of the truly mystic medicine man…since the time of Mohammed nothing like it has been seen in this world. This markedly mystic characteristic of Hitler is what makes him do things which seem to us illogical, inexplicable, curious and unreasonable….Don’t you know that if you choose one hundred of the most intelligent people in the world and get them all together, they are a stupid mob? Ten thousand of them together would have the collective intelligence of an alligator…. In a crowd, the qualities which everybody possesses multiply, pile up, and become the dominant characteristics of the whole crowd. Not everybody has virtues, but everybody has the low animal instincts, the basic primitive caveman suggestibility, the suspicions and vicious traits of the savage age. The result is that when you get a nation of many millions of people, it is not even human. It is a lizard or a crocodile or a wolf.” ~Carl Jung interview with H.R. Knickerbocker in Cosmopolitan [1938] See: C.G. Jung Speaks; Pages 115-135.
All human control comes to an end when the individual is caught in a mass movement. ~Carl Jung, CW 10, Para 395
Masses are always breeding grounds of psychic epidemics. ~Carl Jung; CW 9i; Par. 227.
When you are in a herd you lose the sense of danger, and this it is that makes us unable to see where we deviate from the deep currents of collectivity. ~Carl Jung, 1925 Seminar, Page 75
As soon as people get together in masses and submerge the individual, the shadow is mobilized, and, as history shows, may even be personified and incarnated. ~CG Jung, The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, Collected Works, 9i, par.478
The great dangers threatening the life of millions are not physical factors, but mental folly and diabolical schemes causing mental epidemics in the mentally defenseless masses. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 124-125.
A million zeroes joined together do not, unfortunately, add up to one. Ultimately everything depends on the quality of the individual, but the fatally shortsighted habit of our age is to think only in terms of large numbers and mass organizations, though one would think that the world had seen more than enough of what a well-disciplined mob can do in the hands of a single madman. ~Carl Jung, The Undiscovered Self, Page 39.
We know today that in the unconscious of every individual there are instinctive propensities or psychic systems charged with considerable tension. When they are helped in one way or another to break through into consciousness, and the latter has no opportunity to intercept them in higher forms, they sweep everything before them like a torrent and turn men into creatures for whom the word “beast” is still too good to name. They can then only be called “devils.” To evoke such phenomena in the masses, all that is needed is a few possessed persons, or only one. If this unconscious disposition should happen to be one which is common to the great majority of the nation, then a single one of these complex-ridden individuals, who at the same time sets himself up as a megaphone, is enough to precipitate a catastrophe. ~Carl Jung, CW, Vol 18, The Symbolic Life.
"Indeed, it is becoming ever more obvious that it is not famine, not earthquakes, not microbes, not cancer but man himself who is man's greatest danger to man, for the simple reason there is no adequate protection against psychic epidemics, which are infinitely more devastating than the worst of natural catastrophes. The supreme danger which threatens individuals as well as whole Nations is a psychic danger. Reason has proved it so completely powerless, precisely because its arguments have an effect only on the conscious mind and not on the unconscious. The greatest danger of all comes from the masses, in whom the effects of the unconscious pile up cumulatively and the reasonableness of the conscious mind is stifled. Every mass organization is a latent danger just as much as a heap of dynamite is. It lets loose affects which no man wants and no man can stop. It is therefore in the highest degree desirable that a knowledge of psychology should spread so that men can understand the source of the supreme dangers that threaten them. Not by arming to the teeth, each for itself, can the nations defend themselves in the long run from the frightful catastrophes of modern war. The heaping up of arms is itself a call to war. Rather must they recognize those psychic conditions under which the unconscious bursts the dykes of consciousness and overwhelms it."
~Carl Jung, The Symbolic Life
The gigantic catastrophes that threaten us today are not elemental happenings of a physical or biological order, but psychic events. To a quite terrifying degree we are threatened by wars and revolutions which are nothing other than psychic epidemics. At any moment several millions of human beings may be smitten with a new madness, and then we shall have another world war or devastating revolution. Instead of being at the mercy of wild beasts, earthquakes, landslides, and inundations, modern man is battered by the elemental forces of his own psyche. This is the World Power that vastly exceeds all other powers on earth. ~Carl Jung
“The world powers that rule over all mankind, for good or ill, are unconscious psychic factors, and it is they that bring consciousness into being and hence create the sine qua non for the existence of any world at all. We are steeped in a world that was created by our own psyche.” ~CG Jung, The Real and the Surreal, 1933, CW 8: The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche, p747
The rat-catching Pied Piper himself must have been possessed by the spirit of Wotan, which swept all those who were liable to such transports-in this case children-into a state of collective frenzy. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 330-332.
“I believe that the coming age will be in desperate need of a common basic understanding of man which would enable mankind to become a brotherhood rather than a chaos of power-driven usurpers.” ~Carl Jung, CW, 1791
"“I believe that the coming age will be in desperate need of a common basic understanding of man which would enable mankind to become a brotherhood rather than a chaos of power-driven usurpers.”
~Carl Jung
Rather must they recognize those psychic conditions under which the unconscious bursts the dykes of consciousness and overwhelms it."
~Carl Jung, The Symbolic Life
And, those 'psychic conditions" are also physical/energetic.
The dead who besiege us are souls who have not fulfilled the principium individuationis, or else they would have become distant stars. Insofar as we do not fulfill it, the dead have a claim on us and besiege us and we cannot escape them. ~Carl Jung; The Red Book; Appendix C; Page 370
Gordon Young: Do you believe that astrology has any definite value?
Jung: The whole subject, of course, is controversial. But you know I once did some statistical research and my final figures were examined by mathematicians at the University of Chicago. They told me that they found them not without significance. Naturally, when I heard that I pricked up my ears. We are passing out of the period of the Fishes just now and into the sign of Aquarius, which may well bring some new values with it. Some people quite seriously consider that this may be of great significance in the world's imminent development. - From an interview in Sunday Times (1960)
"The zodiacal symbolism was not written in the stars, but originated in the human unconscious and was projected to the sky, so naturally all the other constellations in the heavens have been produced and characterized by projections of unconscious contents. Therefore if there is any kind of psychological mythology in the zodiac – and apparently there is – we must assume that the other constellations also contain psychological meaning. It might turn out, however, that the human unconscious is to be found written only in the constellations of the northern hemisphere and not in the southern hemisphere [...] the southern constellations are far less impressive ; one is really disappointed when one sees them. The famous Southern Cross, for instance, is a pretty poor invention. But of course that would be no reason why people should not make projections into them. As a matter of fact they have names, but they are by no means mythological, they are chiefly technical, nautical technics or terms. There is a compass, for instance, and a microscope, entirely modern designations invented by seamen who compared these constellations to certain instruments they used or knew about. Apparently there is absolutely no mythology in the southern sky, which comes from the fact that all the civilizations which have influenced us have arisen in the northern hemisphere. Though if we
knew about Peruvian astronomy, for instance-which probably existed – no doubt we should discover a kind of mythological terminology similar to ours"
– CG Jung, "The Visions Seminar II" (1932), pp.724-6
[In cases of difficult psychological diagnosis I usually get a horoscope in order to have a further point of view from an entirely different angle. I must say that I very often found that the astrological data elucidated certain points which I otherwise would have been unable to understand.]
In a letter written to written to Hindu astrologer, B.V. Raman, September 6th 1947 - Dr. Jung wrote:
"Since you want to know my opinion about astrology I can tell you that I've been interested in this particular activity of the human mind since more than 30 years. As I am a psychologist, I am chiefly interested in the particular light the horoscope sheds on certain complications in the character. In cases of difficult psychological diagnosis I usually get a horoscope in order to have a further point of view from an entirely different angle. I must say that I very often found that the astrological data elucidated certain points which I otherwise would have been unable to understand. From such experiences I formed the opinion that astrology is of particular interest to the psychologist, since it contains a sort of psychological experience which we call 'projected' - this means that we find the psychological facts as it were in the constellations."
In a letter to Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung wrote "My studies in astrology are fascinating. I have come to the firm conclusion that at the moment of birth an individual takes on the characteristic state of the Universe for that moment in time."
"We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born."
~ Carl Gustav Jung
All the grapes of the same site produce about the same wine. This is the truth stated by astrology and experience since time immemorial. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 353-355.
"Astrology" is another of those "random phenomena" wiped off the desk by the idol of the average, which everybody believes to be reality itself while it is a mere abstract. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 230-232.
The experiment [Astrology] is most suggestive to a versatile mind, unreliable in the hands of the unimaginative, and dangerous in the hands of a fool, as those intuitive methods always are. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 463-464
With regard to the horoscope I have serious doubts whether it can be understood as a purely synchronistic phenomenon, for there are unquestionable causal connections between the planetary aspects and the powerful effects of proton radiation, though we are still very much in the dark as to what its physiological effects might be. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 420-421
"Since you want to know my opinion about astrology I can tell you that I've been interested in this particular activity of the human mind since more than 30 years. As I am a psychologist, I am chiefly interested in the particular light the horoscope sheds on certain complications in the character. In cases of difficult psychological diagnosis I usually get a horoscope in order to have a further point of view from an entirely different angle. I must say that I very often found that the astrological data elucidated certain points which I otherwise would have been unable to understand. From such experiences I formed the opinion that astrology is of particular interest to the psychologist, since it contains a sort of psychological experience which we call 'projected' - this means that we find the psychological facts as it were in the constellations." ~C. G. Jung, Jung on Synchronicity and the Paranormal, Page 81
"Astrology is of particular interest to the psychologist, since it contains a sort of psychological experience which we call projected – this means that we find the psychological facts as it were in the constellations. This originally gave rise to the idea that these factors derive from the stars, whereas they are merely in a relation of synchronicity with them. I admit that this is a very curious fact which throws a peculiar light on the structure of the human mind." ~C.G. Jung in 1947 in a letter to prof. B.V. Raman