

2021年05月01日 00:12




ベッカ・ターナス博士は、学者、アーティストであり、Archai.The Journal of Archetypal Cosmicleの編集者でもある。The Journal of Archetypal Cosmology」の編集者。カリフォルニア統合学研究所(CIIS)で哲学と宗教の博士号を取得し、「The Back of Beyond: The Back of Beyond: The Red Books of C. G. Jung and J. R. R. Tolkien』と題した論文を発表。深層心理学、文学、哲学、生態学的想像力などを研究しています。パシフィカ・グラデュエート・インスティテュートとCIISで教鞭をとり、著書に『Journey to the Imaginal Realm』がある。A Reader's Guide to J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings』を執筆。ベッカは北カリフォルニアに住み、占星術によるカウンセリングを行っている。




ユングと占星術の関係」 ベッカ・タルナス博士
プレゼンテーションと質疑応答 - Zoomによるライブ中継

In recent years, new scholarship has been emerging demonstrating the essential role the discipline of astrology played in the development and practice of C. G. Jung’s analytical psychology. In 1911, Jung wrote a letter to Freud in which he said that his nights were occupied with the study of astrology, to which Freud responded that Jung would be “accused of mysticism.” Jung kept his practice of astrology relatively concealed, but based upon evidence in his own writings, as well as statements he made late in his life, Jung was drawing on astrological wisdom regularly for both personal use and with his patients.

This presentation will demonstrate the role astrology played in Jung’s analytic practice, as well as the significant ways in which he drew on astrological symbolism in the transformative process of creating The Red Book. By understanding how astrology influenced the development of Jungian psychology—and how depth psychology has subsequently shaped modern astrology—we can see how the astrological discipline can complement, enhance, and deepen the psychotherapy practiced today.

Becca Tarnas, PhD, is a scholar, artist, and editor of Archai: The Journal of Archetypal Cosmology. She received her doctorate in Philosophy and Religion from the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), with her dissertation titled The Back of Beyond: The Red Books of C. G. Jung and J. R. R. Tolkien. Her research interests include depth psychology, literature, philosophy, and the ecological imagination. She teaches at both Pacifica Graduate Institute and CIIS, and is the author of the book Journey to the Imaginal Realm: A Reader’s Guide to J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. Becca lives in Northern California, where she has an astrological counseling practice.

Becca Tarnas, Ph.D.

Scholar & Astrological Counselor


Jung’s Relationship to Astrology with Becca Tarnas, Ph. D.
Saturday, May 29
Presentation and Q&A • Live via Zoom
Noon - 2pm Pacific, 3-5pm Eastern, 8-10 pm GMT
Video recording will be available to all registered attendees.
