
"信仰と知識の断絶は 現代の精神障害の特徴である 意識の分裂の症状である"

“The rupture between faith and knowledge is a symptom of the split consciousness which is so characteristic of the mental disorder of our day.”

C.G. Jung

それは、まるで 2 人の異なる人物が同じことについて、それぞれの視点から発言しているかのように、あるいは 2 つの異なる心の枠組みの中にいる 1 人の人物が自分の経験をスケッチしているかのように。人」を「現代社会」に置き換えると、後者(現代社会)が精神的な解離、すなわち神経症的な障害に悩まされていることは明らかである。
この点を考慮すると、一方の当事者が右に頑なに引っ張って、他方が左に引っ張った場合、それは全く問題を助けることはありません。これは、それ自身の深い苦痛に、すべての神経症的精神で起こることであり、それはちょうど患者を分析者のもとに連れてくるのは、この苦悩だけです。 CW10 ¶ 552
言葉 `LOGOS'
社会」や「国家」のような言葉は、ほとんど擬人化されているほど具体化されている。巷の人の意見では、「国家」は歴史上のどの王よりもはるかに多く、無尽蔵にすべての善を与えてくれる存在であり、「国家」は呼び起こされ、責任を負わされ、不平を言われ、などと言われている。社会は最高の倫理原則のランクにまで昇格し、実際、それは積極的に創造的な能力を持つとさえ信じられている CW10 ¶ 554
誰も必然的に人間の精神的発達の特定の段階であった言葉のこの崇拝は、危険な影の側面を持っていることに気づくようではありません。つまり、教育の何世紀にもわたる結果として、言葉は、普遍的な妥当性を達成した瞬間、それは神の人との本来の接続を断つ CW10 ¶ 554
そこには擬人化された教会、擬人化された国家があり、言葉への信仰は盲信となり、言葉自体があらゆる欺瞞を可能にする地獄のスローガンとなる CW10 ¶ 554
盲信と政治的な仕事と妥協で市民を騙すためにプロパガンダや広告が来ると、嘘は世界の歴史の中で前に知られていない割合に達する CW10 ¶ 554

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The rupture between faith and knowledge is a symptom of the split consciousness which is so characteristic of the mental disorder of our day:
It is as if two different persons were making statements about the same thing, each from his own point of view, or as if one person in two different frames of mind were sketching a picture of his experience. If for “person” we substitute “modern society,” it is evident that the latter [modern society] is suffering from a mental dissociation, i.e., a neurotic disturbance CW10 ¶ 552
In view of this, it does not help matters at all if one party pulls obstinately to the right and the other to the left. This is what happens in every neurotic psyche, to its own deep distress, and it is just this distress that brings the patient to the analyst CW10 ¶ 552
The analyst has to establish a relationship with both halves of his patient's personality, because only from them can he put together a whole and complete man, and not merely from one half by suppression of the other half. But this suppression is just what the patient has been doing all along, for the modern Weltanschauung leaves him with no alternative CW10 ¶ 553
Far too little attention has been paid to the fact that, for all our irreligiousness, the distinguishing mark of the Christian epoch, its highest achievement, has become the congenital vice of our age: the supremacy of the word, of the Logos, which stands for the central figure of our Christian faith. The word has literally become our god and so it has remained, even if we know of Christianity only from hearsay CW10 ¶ 554
Words like “Society” and “State” are so concretized that they are almost personified. In the opinion of the man in the street, the “State,” far more than any king in history, is the inexhaustible giver of all good; the “State” is invoked, made responsible, grumbled at, and so on and so forth. Society is elevated to the rank of a supreme ethical principle; indeed, it is even credited with positively creative capacities CW10 ¶ 554
No one seems to notice that this worship of the word, which was necessarily at a certain phase of man's mental development, has a perilous shadow side. That is to say, the moment the word, as a result of centuries of education, attains universal validity, it severs its original connection with the divine Person CW10 ¶ 554
There is then a personified Church, a personified State; belief in the word becomes credulity, and the word itself an infernal slogan capable of any deception CW10 ¶ 554
With credulity come propaganda and advertising to dupe the citizen with political jobbery and compromises, and the lie reaches proportions never known before in the history of the world CW10 ¶ 554


「個性の錬金術におけるヌミノース経験の重要性について」Murray Stein Ph.D.

ユングとヌミノサム(2021-03-10 21:53)

ユングとヌミノース(2019-12-03 15:28)
