

ROBERT JULIANO-2020年10月22日木曜日-読了まで5分
私たちは、ウータンの元型を次のような性質を持つパターンとして見ることができます-それは、その道にあるすべてのものを捉え、それはしっかりと根付いていないすべてのものを覆す。この元型は、"長い間の緊張や停止の後、長い間の蓄積の後、水が解けていくように "活動的になると言えるかもしれません。象徴的なイメージであるウータンだけがウータン・元型の唯一の可能な擬人化ではない。他の可能性としては、ディオニュソス、ローマの神マーキュリー、ヘルメス(ユングはヘルメスのサイコポンポスがヴォータンの正当な擬人化であると考えていました)、バラモン教の女神カリなどがあります。
リベル・ノヴス』では、ユングは "時の精神 "と "深層の精神 "という二つの力に直面しています。ランス・オーエンズ博士は、アルフレッド・リビ博士の『根源を求めて』の序文の中で、この二つの力について次のように書いています。C.G.ユングとグノーシスの伝統』の前書きで、ランス・オーエンス博士はこれら二つの力について次のように書いています-「"時の精神 "は紛れもなくデミウルジとして現れ、グノーシスのデミウルジの典型的な方法で、彼の前には他の力は存在しないと宣言する。深淵の霊」は、デミウルジの主張する主権に反論し、ユングに自分の捏造を超えたものを見るように懇願する。ソヌ・シャムダサニ博士は『Liber Novus』の紹介文の中で、これらの力を次のように特徴づけています。"時代の精神 "は "使用と価値 "を特徴とし、"深層の精神 "は "魂のもの "につながると。
1. 『赤の書』の中にヴォータンの元型の存在を見出すことができるのか?ニーチェがディオニュソスと間違えたヴォータンと多くの経験をしていることに注目すべきであり、『こうして語ったザラトゥストラ』の中のザラトゥストラの姿がヴォータンと同一であるというのはユングの主張である。そして、ソヌ・シャムダサニが『黒の書』の序文で書いているように、ユングもまた、ウォータンを体験したことがある。
2. ヲータンの元型が世界のどこかで発動している証拠を見つけることができるのだろうか?

A. ユング著『リベル・ノヴス
B. ニーチェの『ザラトゥストラ』。ユングが1934年から1939年に行ったセミナーのメモ
C. ルーツの検索。C. G. ユングとグノーシスの伝統 アルフレッド・リビ著
D. "ビジョナリーサイエンスに向けて ユングの変容に関するノート」ソヌ・シャムダサニ著『黒い本』第一巻

カール・グスタフ ユング (著)


ROBERT JULIANO·2020年10月22日木曜日·読了まで5分
In 1936, Jung wrote a short 12-page essay about the possibilities for Germany entitled Wotan (in CW 10). This was a time when it was still unclear how Germany’s future would unfold. Jung felt that much of the population in Germany were seized by an archetype which he called “Wotan.” Now, the name “Wotan” was used to both designate a personification of the archetype in the form of the Germanic god and the archetype itself. For a number of reasons, consideration of Wotan at this time seems to me to be an important one, both with respect to the Red Book and with respect to the psychological state of the world. I have two fundamental questions in mind that I will pose at the end of this post. First, a few things about Wotan:
Wotan as Archetypal Image
The qualities of Wotan Jung discusses are that Wotan is an ancient god of storm and frenzy, is a restless wanderer who creates unrest and stirs up strife, an unleasher of passions and the lust of battle, and a worker of magic. Wotan also has a dual nature – god of storm and god of secret knowledge. The archetypal image of Wotan is a personification of the Wotan archetype.
The Wotan Archetype
We can look at the archetype of Wotan as a pattern with the following qualities – it seizes everything in its path and it overthrows everything that is not firmly rooted. One might say that the archetype becomes active after “a long tension or standstill, like waters that break loose after long accumulation.” The archetypal image Wotan is not the only possible personification of the Wotan archetype. Others possibilities include Dionysos, the Roman god Mercury, Hermes (Jung held that Hermes psychopompos was a legitimate personification of Wotan), and the Brahmanic Goddess Kali.
Wotan Archetype Activation
It is absolutely critical to understand that while Jung held that the Wotan archetype was activated in the German psyche, this archetype can be activated anywhere by any culture at any time. In Jung’s seminar on Nietzsche’s Zarathustra, Jung responds to a statement from one of its participants that “Wotan is *not* only in Germany” (emphasis mine) by saying “No, Wotan is an international phenomenon, and he is by no means Christian, but is all over the world.”
Wotan as Expression of Spirit of the Time
In Liber Novus, Jung is confronted by two powers: the “spirit of the time” and the “spirit of the depths.” Dr. Lance Owens, in his forward to Dr. Alfred Ribi’s The Search for Roots: C. G. Jung and the Tradition of Gnosis, wrote the following about these two powers – “The “spirit of the time” unmistakably manifests as a demiurge, declaring—in a fashion typical of the Gnostic demiurge—that there is no other power before him. The “spirit of the depths” rebuffs the demiurge’s claimed sovereignty, and entreats Jung to look beyond his fabrications.” Dr. Sonu Shamdasani, in his introduction to Liber Novus, characterizes these powers as follows: the “spirit of the time” was characterized by “use and value, whereas the “spirit of the depths” led to the “things of the soul.”
I found that Jung's description of Wotan which uses this imagining of “spirit of the time” given in his seminar on Nietzsche’s Zarathustra to be very important:
And you remember he has, like Osiris, only one eye; the other eye is sacrificed to the underworld. Therefore, he is an exceedingly apt symbol for our modern world in which the unconscious really comes to the foreground like a river, and forces us to turn one eye inward upon it, in order that we may be adapted to that side also; we feel now that the greatest enemy is threatening us, not from without but from within. So on account of all his qualities, Wotan expresses the spirit of the time to an extent which is uncanny, and that wisdom or knowledge is really wild-it is nature’s wisdom. Wotan is not the God of civilized beings but a condition of nature.
As mentioned earlier, the Wotan archetype stands for a pattern which seizes and overthrows and is activated after a long standstill. As with any archetype, this one has its light side and dark side. The light side is that it is full of secret knowledge, the dark is that it destroys. Also, as with any archetype, there are infinite ways in which it can be expressed and personified. Thus, it may be personified in other cultures at other times differently. At this point, it makes sense to ask a couple of questions about the Wotan archetype that will require some research. The two questions of interest to me are:
1. Can we detect the presence of the Wotan archetype in the Red Book? It should be noted that Nietzsche had plenty of experiences with Wotan, who he mistook for Dionysos, and it is Jung’s contention that the figure of Zarathustra in his Thus Spake Zarathustra is identical to Wotan. And, as Sonu Shamdasani wrote in his introduction to the Black Books, Jung also had a number of experiences of Wotan.

2. Can we find evidence that the Wotan archetype has been activated anywhere in the world?
A. Liber Novus by C. G. Jung
B. Nietzsche’s Zarathustra: Notes of the Seminar Given in 1934-1939 by C. G. Jung
C. The Search for Roots: C. G. Jung and the Tradition of Gnosis by Alfred Ribi
D. “Toward a Visionary Science: Jung’s Notebooks on Transformation” in The Black Books, Volume I, by Sonu Shamdasani



Jung on the Shadow: The angel of history
No, the demons are not banished; that is a difficult task that still lies ahead. Now that the angel of history has abandoned the Germans,* the demons will seek a new victim. And that won’t be difficult. Every man who loses his shadow, every nation that falls into self-righteousness, is their prey…. We should not forget that exactly the same fatal tendency to collectivization is present in the victorious nations as in the Germans, that they can just as suddenly become a victim of the demonic powers.

“The Postwar Psychic Problems of the Germans” (1945)
*Written I945.

The Black Books of C.G. Jung
The Black Books of C.G. Jung(2020-10-22 18:24)
